Auto Racing Art – Kansas

Auto Racing Art – Kansas

Auto Racing Art – Kansas Art Musuem

An art museum isn’t the first place that springs to mind when the subject of classic auto racing comes up. But the Wichita Art Museum has mounted an exhibit of some of the best racing photographs taken over three decades on some of the most famous race courses in Europe.

It’s titled “The Golden Age of Motorsport” and consists of more than 70 photos captured by Jesse Alexander between the early 1950s and the 1970s. They are on display through Oct. 2 in the Paul Ross Gallery and the Scott and Carol Ritchie Gallery. And for those who remember names like Jim Clark, Bruce McLaren, Mario Andretti and Juan Manuel Fangio, these images recall the glory days of racing.

This was the stuff of grimy-faced drivers with goggles hanging around their necks in the cockpits of oil-streaked, featherweight cars that dueled it out on courses like LeMans, Monaco and Nurburgring. There are great action photos, driver portraits and crowd shots in the collection.
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